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UMMH Staff

Rev. José Roberto Peña-Nazario
Mission Superintendent
The Rev. José Roberto Peña-Nazario is a missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church assigned as Pastorate, United Methodist Mission in Honduras. He also has pastoral responsibilities at Danli Central United Methodist Church.
As a pastor, José is responsible for developing new churches, bringing new members into the Christian community, developing leadership, and assisting people in the community to improve their living conditions. His objective is to fulfill God’s mission, “making disciples and teaching and putting into practice the principles and values of the reign of God.”
Reflecting on his experiences, José says he senses “God’s presence in the practice of spiritual disciplines such as prayer, reading the Word, and meditation.” He also feels close to God, “in the community worship of His people and in the practice of the Sacraments,” as well as “in service to the disadvantaged.”
A native of Fajardo, Puerto Rico, he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in natural science and biology from the University of Puerto Rico in Rio Piedras, and a Master of Divinity degree from the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico. A clergy member of the Methodist Church of Puerto Rico, he has served as a pastor in St. Croix in the US Virgin Islands, and in Naranjo de Comerio and Carolina, Puerto Rico. Earlier, he worked eight years as a specialist in the Social Security Administration.

Thomas Brooks
Honduras Country Director
Thomas oversees all UMMH Operations to include finances, Mission property, legal affairs, individual churches’ operations and the Mission Honduran staff.
He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management and brings a wealth of administrative experience in quite a few areas ranging from banking to health and education. A firm believer in offering his many talents, gifts and graces to the service of God, his life motto is: God deserves our best because He gave us His all in Jesus Christ.
UMVIM Honduras Staff

Milton Ilovares
UMVIM Honduras Coordinator
Milton is the United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) Honduras Coordinator. A Honduran national who has served both in Guatemala and in The Bahamas as the UMVIM coordinator after being commissioned by the General Board of Global Ministries (GBGM) as a Global Mission Fellow (GMF) in August 2015 in Harare, Zimbabwe. He has received missionary training in The Philippines, Japan, and in the Caribbean, helping him gain knowledge on how to put God’s love into action in multicultural contexts, he has expressed his love, passion and commitment to fight for social justice locally and around the world every time he can. He will be your point of contact for coordinating your team’s logistics including project sites, programming, calendar availability, as well as transportation, food, lodging, and other logistics during your trip while serving with the United Methodist Mission in Honduras (UMMH).
Our Address
Iglesia Metodista de Honduras
Colonia La Era
Calle de acceso de tierra atras de La Colonia Maya y atras de la gasolinera Uno del anillo periferico
Tegucigalpa, Honduras, CA
U.S. Address
General Board of Global Ministries of United Methodist Church
Attn: Honduras Mission
458 Ponce De Leon Ave NE
Atlanta, GA 30308-1836